Tag Archives: Lake George

Just back from Lake George

I spent last week traveling around the Adirondacks, and it was great! The weather was a bit rainy and on the cool side, but a welcome change from Florida’s summer heat and humidity. I was able to show Desperate Hours to a number of potential vendors, and it received a wonderful reception. It can now be found in a number of Adirondack book and gift stores, including Trees in Bolton Landing, and of course at the Sagamore Resort.
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Desperate Hours Tours of Lake George

In a fascinating development, people who have read Desperate Hours are starting to take Desperate Hours tours of Lake George to try and visit the sites referenced in the book. Fans of the book really enjoy the realistic description of Lake George and some of the areas mentioned in the book. Continue reading

Henry Knox

A number of people have been asking me about Henry Knox and the section in Desperate Hours that describes his efforts during the American Revolutionary War to transport the cannons and mortars from Fort Ticonderoga to Boston.

It is an inspirational story, and well worth learning more about. Henry Knox was a true patriot who suffered greatly for his service to his new nation. The brief description in the book does not do justice to his amazing story. It is astonishing to me that he is not a better-known historical figure considering his efforts, sacrifices, and influence on the outcome of the Revolution. Continue reading

My First Blog Post!

I am very excited right now.  The publisher has announced that Desperate Hours is ready for delivery to bookstores. I will be going up to Bolton Landing on Thursday to meet with vendors.  Eileen and I have been working for the last year trying to complete this book.  We have grown to feel like the characters are our friends.

In Lake George the weather is still a cool spring time, but we hope to generate a lot of heat with Desperate Hours.  We have gotten great feedback on the early reviews!  You will be able to order the book within the next week.  Eileen and I hope that you love meeting the characters as much as we have.