Tag Archives: Guns

GHOST GUNS now available!


I am very excited about the release of the fourth novel in the Matt O’Malley series. This book is set both in  Lake George and Orlando, Florida. In this exciting book, Matt O’Malley is challenged to stop a maniacal arms dealer determined to unleash a powerful chemical weapon on the world, but first he must rescue a young woman from her subterranean capitivity. However, it’s not that easy. Matt does not know who the woman is, where she is being held capitive; or, in fact, the identity of the arms dealer.
Ghost Guns is available to retailers through the distributor North Country Books, and at book stores and gift shops throughout the Adirondacks. The print and Kindle version are available on Amazon.com. A print copy (autographed if you like) can also be ordered at a discount from this web site.